Coach Amie Vargas - one of three members of FIERCE's physical literacy staff - has continued her education to add onto her list of certifications. In addition to her NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist certification, Coach Amie recently earned her Precision Nutrition Level 1 Nutrition Coaching Certification.

Founded in 2005, Precision Nutrition (PN) is a private company focused on coaching and educating fitness professionals on nutrition. The company engages in this mission through a multifaceted approach: certification programs, nutrition and health coaching, and nutrition software.
Coach Amie took advantage of PN's certification programs, enrolling and completing PN's Level 1 Nutrition Coaching Certification. The course focused on enhancing her understanding of nutrition science and coaching an individual's behavior to improve their nutrition and lifestyle.
When asked about her pursuit of this certification, Coach Amie shared that "nutrition, amongst other critical factors, is not only at the foundation of holistic health, but elite athleticism. As important as running fast or being powerful is, you can never function optimally or quite reach your full athletic potential if your body isn't fueled and recovering properly. My ultimate goal is to create the most well-rounded athletes that I have the opportunity to work with."
FIERCE is proud of Coach Amie for her drive to continue her education. In addition to empowering her as a Physical Literacy coach, the club looks forward to seeing the benefits of her new certification on player development!